Friday, May 16, 2008

Bum Fight!

I look around just in time to see some angry old dude, he introduces himself as Irus, he also smells really bad. He tells me that he is king of the beggers around the palace, which to me seems really lame, but he seems quite proud of it. He then tries to tell me that other beggers are not welcome and that he would fight me. I found this to be quite the laughable concept and tried to persuade him otherwise, but since he would not listen to reason I was forced to beat him up. It wasn't much of a fight really, just me beating him up, I didn't kill him, just injured him so he would run away. The suitors were fairly impressed with my body and my rippling thigh muscles. Then Penelope came down and I told her the story of Odysseus and all the stuff he went through, then she recognized me and was really happy. Then me and Telemachaes began to plot about how to destroy the suitors. Then I went to sleep, waiting for tommorow to come.


Odysseus's journey said...

nice, this is pretty funny, the only thing is i dont think penelope knew about him yet.

Odysseus's journey said...

nice, this is pretty funny, the only thing is i dont think penelope knew about him yet.